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Emma Rosen
Dec 18, 20176 min read
Career 23 Part 1: Explorer – Interview with Sarah Outen
Ok – admittedly this was never going to be an easy one to do, but it was one of the careers that I was most looking forward to. As has...

Emma Rosen
Oct 9, 20175 min read
Career 20: Travel Writer
Exploring Venezuela - Canaima National Park, en route to Angel Falls They very first thing I did after quitting my job last September was...

Emma Rosen
Oct 2, 20176 min read
British Jew or Jewish Brit?
If there was one question that I went to Israel to answer, it was this. It is a question which has lurked at the back of my mind for...

Emma Rosen
Jul 7, 20175 min read
5 Reasons Why You Should Work Abroad
By someone who’s been there, done that and doing it again. A guest blog post by Emma Taylor. Scrolling through your phone, wistfully...

Emma Rosen
Jun 27, 20176 min read
Career 13: Tour Guide
On my trip through Venezuela, I had the chance to see if my dream of being paid to travel was as good as it sounds. I led the tour group...

Emma Rosen
Jun 3, 20174 min read
8 Reasons Why You Should Go Overlanding
Huddled around a fire in a yurt next to a nomadic tribe on the Kyrgyz steppe at 3,500m above sea level, I know I would never been able to...

Emma Rosen
Dec 2, 20165 min read
Why you shouldn't cancel your trip to India
ATM out of order. Currency exchange closed. Sorry, this bank has no cash. This is what I was met with at Cochin International Airport, in...

Emma Rosen
Oct 29, 20164 min read
Career 3: Travel Editing/Publishing
Underlining the Pros and Cons Deep down I was hoping that working for a travel guidebook company was the one. The elusive career I had...

Emma Rosen
Sep 29, 20165 min read
Burning Craters and Empty Cities
As the ‘Door to Hell’ reaches its 45th anniversary, I visited Turkmenistan’s legendary Darvaza Gas Crater and its capital city, Ashgabat....
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