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Emma Rosen
Oct 2, 20176 min read
British Jew or Jewish Brit?
If there was one question that I went to Israel to answer, it was this. It is a question which has lurked at the back of my mind for...

Emma Rosen
Sep 19, 20176 min read
Freelance vs Full-Time: Part 2
Emma R: A Freelancer on Full-time Emma Taylor and I decided to document one of our working weeks and compare the difference between a...

Emma Rosen
Aug 30, 20176 min read
Freelance vs Full-Time: Part 1
Emma T: A Full-Timer on Freelancing Emma from 25before25 and I decided to document one of our working weeks and compare the difference...

Emma Rosen
Jul 31, 20174 min read
Tomorrow, I Turn 25
Tomorrow I turn 25. Today, I completed all 25 jobs. Whilst I'm a bit behind on the write ups (I’ve been working full-time!), this just...

Emma Rosen
Jan 24, 20172 min read
In A Post-Truth Society, Does It Matter That The Trump Dossier Is Unverified?
The Trump campaign has been marked by nontraditional methods of persuading the population to vote for the Republican candidate, with...

Emma Rosen
Dec 17, 20163 min read
Creating a Resilient Workforce
What would it be like if we were all fulfilled in our careers? I hope that many readers are happy and feel fulfilled in their working...

Emma Rosen
Aug 25, 20163 min read
More Methodical (Career) Matchmaking
Who wouldn’t want a dream job? However, when choosing the careers for 25before25, I realised that the project could not just be about...

Emma Rosen
Aug 17, 20162 min read
The Millennial Contradiction
We want it all and we have been raised to expect it all. Except our expectations are dramatically failing to match up to the reality of a...

Emma Rosen
Aug 13, 20163 min read
Resignation and Explanation
I am about to quit my civil service ‘job for life’ for the uncertainty of unemployment and the even greater uncertainty of having...
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